Since 1888
Kweekerij Moerheim
Source: - Huize Moerheim - Dedemsvaart
Moerheim Catalogue 1938. Colour-plates (and cover) after paintings by Esther Niedermeier Bartning 1906 – 1987
Koninklijke Kweekerij Moerheim
Koninklijke Kweekerij Moerheim, Royal warrant of appointment
Breeding Surfinia®
At the same time, MNP / Suntory is busy making professional connections with foreign companies. Through these connections, they hear about the steps that Suntory® is taking in the horticultural market. MNP / Suntory sees potential in the new Petunia they have created, and soon, the first conversations between MNP / Suntory and the breeders of Suntory® started.
Surfinia® Hot Pink
Introduction of Surfinia® Purple
Surfinia® Purple
Foundations for the future
A million Surfinia®'s sold
Surfinia® in Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Million Bells® & Tapien®
Million Bells®
The early spring bedding plant family
Senetti® Blue White XXL
Starting the Mandevilla revolution with Sundaville®
The revolutionary Sundaville® Early Scarlet
Fashionably late with Surdiva®
Surdiva® Compact Pink
A new star is born
Princettia® Pink
Sales record of 65 million Surfinia®'s
Surfinia® Deep Red
The bee inspired Beedance® brand
Beedance® Painted Red
A revolution: The first real orange Mandevilla
Sundaville® Apricot has the same distinctive characteristics as the Sundaville® varieties from the Classic range. It has large, long-lasting, 9 cm apricot-coloured flowers with a darker, orange-yellow heart. It boasts a good branching habit, blooms very early and flowers continuously. Sundaville® Apricot plants are best grown in 15 and 17-cm pots with support.